Restaurant Tips & Options on the Low FODMAP Diet

How often have you heard “Let’s go out and celebrate?” Probably very frequently. We celebrate many occasions by going out to eat at restaurants, such as birthdays, anniversaries and accomplishments. Plus, dining out is a great way to learn about someone on a date, connect with friends and spend time with family.

Eating out at restaurants is a social norm and it’s tough to be excluded from all those activities. Choosing the appropriate foods at restaurants while on the low FODMAP diet is not easy and requires some due diligence. By far, the safest options are available at home, but who wants to hibernate in their home all the time? Being social and not limiting my normal activities is a big part of my happiness, so I was determined to find available options in any restaurant.

As a former server, prior to my IBS issues, I tried to accommodate any special requests. However, with the digital age, the message gets a little distorted by the time it gets to the people cooking your meal. And cross contamination is a common occurrence. So be prepared. How you you be prepared? Read on.

Tips to prepare you for dining out at restaurants on the low FODMAP diet:

  • Know where hidden FODMAP ingredients are. Almost all sauces and soups will not be an option in restaurants due to milk, flour, garlic and/or onions. Even soy sauce contains wheat. Many hamburgers patties include bread crumbs and onions. Even non-breaded fried food has a risk of cross contamination in the fryer. Once you’ve done some serious low FODMAP grocery shopping, you should understand where issues can pop up, and the same goes for almost all restaurants.
  • Know the menu. Look up the menu online prior to going to the restaurant. This will prepare you for what to order, so you don’t spend an hour reviewing the menu for acceptable items. It also allows you to bring any additional items to accompany your meal. I am a big fan of toting my homemade balsamic dressing to go with a salad, bringing a spice blend for a plain grilled steak and having gluten free soy sauce on hand. If nothing on the menu is doable (i.e. Italian restaurants are tough), suggest another restaurant to your party. If that’s not an option, you can always eat prior and let other know that you already ate. I struggle to do this since its hard to sit and watch others eat, but it is something you can do to not exclude yourself from social gatherings.
  • Dine at non-peak times. This will allow the restaurant staff the time to incorporate your special needs. If you eat at the dinner rush, a server or chef may not take the time to punch in all your special requests.
  • Prepare your body. I take Konsyl Natural FiberKonsyl Natural Fiber twice a day, so I ensure I do this prior to eating out. As extra assurance, I also take a Heather’s Tummy Tamers Peppermint Oil CapsuleHeather's Tummy Tamers Peppermint Oil Capsules about an hour prior to eating. This prepares me for any slip-ups that the might occur. In extreme cases, especially if it’s an unfriendly menu, I will take an Imodium A-D .
  • Know how to talk to your server. Like it or not, you have to be THAT person with numerous special requests. Approach it in a very friendly manner and you don’t have to be too specific. My line usually goes something like this. “I am so sorry, but I have a number of food allergies, so my order is going to unique.” I may fib a little in that I don’t actually have allergies, but everyone can easily understand this. I learned this when I was gluten free and I told servers that I had a wheat allergy. It was much easier for them to understand this than trying to explain what gluten was.
  • Never assume anything. Be sure to ask for things without [blank], even if it doesn’t state that ingredient in the menu. For example, salads often come with bread and/or croutons when they are not listed that way in the menu. I’ve had grilled chicken come breaded. I’ve had a steak come with grilled onions because the chef thought it “looked too plain.” Be sure to include details that may be overlooked.
  • Talk to your fellow diners. If your party doesn’t know about your IBS and why you’re ordering such a unique menu item, they may have questions. I usually don’t bring it up unless they ask, and it determines on the person which answer I give. If its someone I know well, I will briefly tell them about my IBS without going into too much detail (since it’s not great dinner conversation). For example, I will say “I was diagnosed with IBS and I am managing my symptoms through a strict diet.” Usually they follow up with some questions on items you avoid, and I am happy to oblige. More often then not, they ask because they themselves have digestive issues or know someone who does. I have found this to be the case many times and have found that some great friends are dealing with the same issues. If it’s a casual acquaintance, I keep it light and just say that I have multiple food allergies.
  • Be prepared to say no. Or just have self control. Many of the freebies, such as bread, chips, crackers, etc. that sit on your table won’t be good options. I usually ask them to not bring it out or to remove it from my table. Out of sight, out of mind. In sight, it’s just an ugly reminder of your health issues.
  • Don’t be afraid to send food back. It’s not worth getting sick over… literally. Again, approach this in a a very kind manner, such as “I am so sorry, but I asked for no onions. Can this be remade?” Usually there is no issues and they will make you a new meal. However, be wary of them just taking it back to the kitchen and removing the items. This has happened to me and I usually ask again for it to be remade.
  • Stay calm. If the server has issues with you or gives you an attitude at any point, I ask to speak with the Manager in a calm, collected manner and explain what I need. Again, no extra detail is needed and getting angry will never solve anything. From there, it is usually handled and I make it a point to not head back to that restaurant again.
  • Take food home. Large meals can trigger IBS symptoms, so it’s a good idea to take part of your meal home with you.

Now that you’re prepared to eat out… what can you order? Surprisingly, there’s some great options that will allow you to be happy and healthy. And remember that salt and pepper will become your best friends!

Sample Low FODMAP Restaurant Items to Enjoy:

  • Eggs, cooked any way. Ensure to ask them to not include any additives, such as flour, milk or spices.
  • Omelet with Low FODMAP Ingredients. Ensure to ask them to not include any additives, such as flour, milk or spices.
  • Bacon.
  • Salads with Oil & Vinegar or Lemon Wedges for Dressing. I usually take my own homemade dressing, which works too. Be sure they don’t include onions, avocados, mushrooms, chickpeas, apples, dried fruit, cashews, croutons or bread. If the salad has any meat or seafood, ensure to ask them to grill it without spices.
  • Plain Grilled Chicken. Cheese can be added. No spices or sauces.
  • Plain Grilled Steak. No spices or sauces.
  • Plain Grilled Fish or Seafood. No spices or sauces.
  • Gluten Free Pasta with Parmesan Cheese and a hint of Butter.
  • Grilled, Steamed or Stir-Fried Low FODMAP Vegetables. No spices or sauces.
  • Baked Potato with Chives, Bacon and Cheese. No sour cream. Butter can be OK in small quantities.
  • French Fries or Potato Wedges (if made without wheat and fried in a dedicated fryer). No spices or sauces, including ketchup.
  • Tortilla Chips (if made without wheat). Unfortunately, most of the dipping sauces are out, so this is a very boring option.
  • Plain Brown or White Rice. No spices or sauces.
  • Low FODMAP Fruit.
  • Cheese Plate with Prosciutto. Stick to hard cheeses.

Got other options? I’d love to hear them!

Low FODMAP Restaurant Options

Getting Started on the Low FODMAP Diet

Don’t know where to start? I know that feeling all too well. I was very overwhelmed by the low FODMAP diet and where to start. It was scary knowing that most of the foods I was eating were doing the damage to my system. So how do you completely change your thinking about food?

How to Get Started on the Low FODMAP Diet

First, get rid of anything that is high in FODMAPs. Check every product in your house and know if it’s a safe food or not. Once you have identified the high FODMAP foods, donate them, throw them out, whatever you need to do, because if you know its available, its easy to eat. I spent an evening cleaning out the pantry, reading every label and what I couldn’t eat, I put on my husband’s shelf (which is out of my normal reach and view). Anything that he didn’t want, we gave to our neighbors who have kids. By far, this was the toughest part because some of my favorite go-to foods ended up on my husband’s shelf.

Next, stock up on some low FODMAP basics. Print out the low FODMAP food list and the high FODMAP food list and spend a long evening at the grocery store inspecting the labels on products. You can get a peek at my favorite low FODMAP items to see what my grocery list looks like. I can save you a lot of time and heart-ache and tell you just to pass on the following products: salad dressings, marinara sauces, marinades, and sauces (like BBQ and steak sauce). I have inspected numerous ingredient labels and almost all of these products contain garlic, onion, honey, high fructose corn syrup or molasses. Here’s a great list of low FODMAP garlic and onion replacements so you can still get great flavor into your food.

Take a look at my low FODMAP recipes that includes some basics like salad dressing, marinara sauce, salsa and mashed potatoes. I am not the best cook in the world, so please don’t be intimidated if you aren’t either. Ensure you pick up some of those ingredients while you’re at the store. Also, as a go-to and a good transition into the diet, pick up some of the low FODMAP brand name packaged foods that I have compiled. Some are winners and some aren’t, but it’s a good base to have some foods you can eat right out of the package.

I have compiled a list of low FODMAP sample meals so you can visualize a my meal plan for yourself. Ensure you have a good base of the ingredients that go into those meals available.

Once you have all your basics in house, an important step is to discuss your new diet with your entire household. Ensure that they understand why you’re eating differently and to please allow you to eat your safe foods (since chances are they’re a little more expensive) while they can enjoy other, less expensive foods. My husband has been very good to incorporate my eating habits into most of our meals, and if he’s eating something I can’t have (that he knows I miss), he will eat in another room. He made the mistake on day 1 of my new diet to comment on how delicious his meal (of all my discarded food) was. I broke down in tears and had a little melt-down because of the limitations I was now faced with. I  explained to him how his comment hurt me because it’s difficult to know all the things I am missing out on. He has been much more sensitive since that incident… especially now with how much happier I am.

Next, find your routine. I do a lot of my big cooking once a week and plan my schedule based on what I have. I utilize the freezer a lot to have food on hand in a pinch. I eat a lot of salads and with my quick low FODMAP balsamic dressing, it’s a quick, low calorie meal.

Also, I tend to eat much smaller meals more frequently throughout the day. Because the low FODMAP diet is it not only what you eat, but in what quantities. I can always tell when I ate too much, even with all safe foods. My system just can’t take a large quantity of food, so I eat 200-300 calorie meals about 6 times a day. Even if I dine out, I usually save half and take it home. For example, if I take a sandwich, a banana and baby carrots for lunch, I will eat the banana around 10:30am, have the sandwich at 12:30pm and then snack on the carrots around 3:00pm.

For me, it took about 2 weeks to fully immerse myself in the diet as I got more comfortable with preparing some of the foods that I used to buy out of the package. Just assume that convenience foods are out and you have to be prepared for each upcoming meal or snack. When laziness strikes, that’s what you have tortilla chips on hand!

I’m not going to sugar coat it… it’s a tough transition. I felt it was maybe a little easier for me since I was already happily gluten free. Also the hope is that you don’t have to eat this way forever. You should eat FODMAP free for about 6-8 weeks and then reintroduce FODMAPs back into your diet. For me, I can handle galactans at almost all quantities (welcome back hummus!), and a little bit of lactose, fructose and polyols later in the day. Unfortunately, fructans and I do not get along.

If you’re starting on the diet, I am happy to help in any way possible. I’ve been there and you shouldn’t have to do this alone. Please feel free to reach out to me with questions or comments at, on Twitter at @LivingHappywIBS or on Pinterest.

Getting Started on the Low FODMAP Diet

My Favorite Low FODMAP Items

Many people ask me… “so what CAN you eat?” Great question from those who are unfamiliar with my diet, but I don’t think they really understand how a question like that can impact someone with dietary restrictions in a negative way. Usually, I just say “plenty of fresh foods” and that ends the conversation without getting too graphic.

However, for those that are on the low FODMAP diet, I often get the question of “what are your favorite low FODMAP items?” That question I am happy to answer with a long list that mirrors my weekly shopping list. I have also provided some information on getting started and sample low FODMAP meals which can be a great way to ease into the diet.

Favorite Low FODMAP Items

You’ll notice that I shop frequently at Trader Joe’s and have come to find some great, low cost, hidden gems. Luckily, Trader Joe’s is located 3 blocks from my apartment, but if you’re not as lucky to have a TJ’s in your area, you can most likely find similar products elsewhere, but they may cost a bit more.

My Favorite Low FODMAP Items:

Breads & Cereals:

Meats & Protein:

  • Fresh or Frozen Chicken
  • Fresh Ground Turkey
  • Fresh Sliced Ham Ensure it doesn’t contain honey.
  • Fresh Sliced Turkey Breast
  • Extra Large Eggs Extra large eggs are better for gluten free baking over medium or large eggs.

Starches & Grains:

  • Trader Joe’s Organic Brown Rice Fusilli. Only $1.99/pound! I use this for all my pasta needs. It’s great in soup.
  • Potatoes I buy them in the 10lb bag.
  • Trader Joe’s Organic Brown Rice In the freezer section. Heats in the microwave in 3 minutes. 
  • Uncle Ben’s Whole Grain Brown or White Rice Cups Great for a work lunch/snack.
  • Uncle Ben’s Original Long Grain Brown or White Ready Rice
  • Betty Crocker Mashed Potato Buds

Fruits & Vegetables:

  • Fresh Lettuce
  • Fresh Spinach
  • Fresh Baby Carrots
  • Fresh Cucumbers
  • Fresh Red Bell Peppers
  • Fresh Tomatoes
  • Trader Joe’s Fire Roasted Tomatoes with Green Chiles (Canned)
  • Del Monte Petite Diced Tomatoes(Canned)
  • Canned Sliced Black Olives
  • Fresh Chives
  • Fresh Basil
  • Fresh Parsley
  • Fresh Cilantro

Sauces & Spices:


Baked Goods & Baking Ingredients:

Salty Snacks:

  • Glutino Gluten Free PretzelsLow FODMAP Products A favorite of mine! Most people don’t even know they’re Gluten Free!
  • Popchips, OriginalLow FODMAP Products  These are ideal in a pinch at an airport or gas station. Trader Joe’s also has a brand that works, too.
  • Trader Joe’s Organic Popcorn with Olive Oil
  • Trader Joe’s Original Kettle Corn
  • Trader Joe’s Reduced Guilt Kettle Cooked Potato Chips  Due to the fat content, I limit my servings of this.
  • Crunchmaster Original Gluten Free Multi-Seed CrackersLow FODMAP Products  My go-to cracker with sliced cheese.
  • Nature Valley Roasted Nut Crunch Granola BarsLow FODMAP Products  (Peanut Butter & Almond)  I always have one of these with me. They are delicious and convenient. However, these do contain almonds (fructans). They don’t affect me too much, but if they do to you, avoid them.


Other Food:


  • Heather’s Tummy Tamers Peppermint Oil CapsulesHeather's Tummy Tamers Peppermint Oil Capsules Studies have shown that peppermint soothes cramps and eases abdominal pain within the digestive tract, so I take these before risky meals or when I am not feeling my best.
  • Konsyl Natural Fiber SupplementKonsyl Natural Fiber My doctor suggested this and I saw significant improvement (prior to going on the low FODMAP diet). I take it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Nature Made Fish Oil with Omega-3 There’s so many benefits to this supplement and since I am not a big seafood eater, I don’t get fish oil naturally.

Got a product that you think I will like? I would love to hear about it!

Low FODMAP Mashed Potatoes Recipe

Mashed potatoes could easily be my favorite food. It’s why I would look forward to Thanksgiving when I was younger and after I went gluten free, I wasn’t that disappointed during the holiday because I could still have my favorite food at dinner. Again, just another thing that has changed with the low FODMAP diet. Mashed potatoes are usually made with milk and butter, which causes the high lactose content, making it a no-go on the diet.

Luckily, there are a number of lactose-free products that help out in this situation and I can again look forward to Thanksgiving. I may be the only one who eats these for breakfast or as a meal, but this is a food I always have ready in the freezer. Before the low FODMAP diet, I used to add grilled onions and garlic seasoning. While I can’t do that any more due to the fructans, I have substituted chives and asafoetida powder.

Low FODMAP Mashed Potatoes Recipe

Low FODMAP Mashed Potatoes Recipe:


  • 6 Large Potatoes or 8 Medium Potatoes
  • 1 Cup Rice Milk (or any other Lactose Free Milk)
  • 1/4 Cup Fresh Chives, Diced
  • 1/4 Cup Fresh Parmesan Cheese
  • 2 Tablespoons Lactose-Free Butter
  • 1 1/2 teaspoon Salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon Pepper
  • 1/4 teaspoon Dried Parsley
  • 1/4 teaspoon Gluten Free Asafoetida Powder (Garlic & Onion Replacement)
  • 1/4 Cup Bacon Pieces (optional)


  1. Peel and cut Potatoes in 1 inch squares.
  2. Add Potatoes and 1/2 teaspoon Salt to a large saucepan, and bring to a boil.
  3. Reduce heat to medium, cover and let simmer 15 to 20 minutes or until Potatoes are tender when pierced with a fork.
  4. While potatoes are simmering, in a separate pan, warm Milk and melt Butter. Do not bring to a boil.
  5. When the potatoes are cooked, remove from heat and immediately drain potatoes thoroughly in a colander.
  6. Once drained, add Potatoes and warmed Milk and melted Butter to saucepan.
    Mash the Potatoes until well blended.
  7. Add remaining ingredients to pan: 1 teaspoon Salt, Fresh Chives, Fresh Parmesan Cheese, Pepper, Dried Parsley, Asafoetida Powder and Bacon Pieces (if desired).
  8. Mix well and serve.

Makes 6-8 servings.


  • When I eat these, I usually add some additional lactose-free butter melted on top.
  • Mashed Potatoes freeze very well. I usually make a very large batch and put them in individual freezer containers. If you do this, omit the bacon pieces until ready to eat. Also, out of the freezer, they will appear to be watery. Once you heat them up to the correct temperature, the consistency will be perfect.

Like this recipe? Let me know what you think and explore more low FODMAP recipes.

Low FODMAP Salsa Recipe

Salsa could easily be my favorite food. There’s something so wonderful about it that seems to bring a crowd together. I’ve never heard anyone say they didn’t like it. It goes with anything and everything.

Store bought salsas always contain onion and/or garlic, which makes them a high FODMAP food. To align with the low FODMAP diet, I created this recipe that I have used very often. It’s delicious, quick and easy, versatile and can be easily modified to fit anyone’s tastes. Plus, tortilla chips are usually a low FODMAP food, so you’ve got an easy snack or party food to take with you.

Low FODMAP Salsa RecipeLow FODMAP Salsa Recipe


  • 14.5 oz Diced Fire Roasted Tomatoes with Green Chiles (Check the ingredients. It’s common for this to contain garlic and/or onion. Trader’s Joe’s has a perfect one. If you can’t find one, diced tomatoes will work, just amp up the spices.)
  • 14.5 oz Can of Diced Tomatoes, Drained (Check the ingredients. It’s common for this to contain garlic and/or onion. I use Del Monte Petite Diced Tomatoes.)
  • 1 Tablespoon Garlic Infused Olive Oil
  • 1/2 Cup Green Onions, Diced (Green Part Only)
  • 1/4 Cup Fresh Chives, Diced
  • 1/4 Cup Fresh Cilantro, Diced
  • 1/4 Cup Fresh Parsley, Diced (Dried Parsley can be an easy substitute.)
  • 1 Lime (Juice Only. 1 teaspoon of lime juice can be substituted.)
  • 1 teaspoon Salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon Pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon Chili Powder (Chipotle Pepper or another FODMAP free spice can be substituted.)


  • Add Diced Fire Roasted Tomatoes with Green Chiles (including juice) to bowl.
  • Squeeze in the juice of 1 Lime.
  • Stir in all other ingredients.
  • Mix well. Taste to see if any modifications need to be made (my favorite part).
  • The salsa can be served immediately, but the flavors blend a little better if you cover in an air-tight container and refrigerate for 2 or more hours.

Make about 2.5 Cups of salsa.


  • This is a very versatile low FODMAP salsa recipe and can be used for a number of things. It goes well on grilled chicken, mixed with rice, over gluten free pasta, on tortilla chips, with tacos, as a marinade, etc.
  • This salsa is a bit zesty, so if you like things a bit more mild, eliminate or limit the Chili Powder.
  • For those who like a hotter salsa, you can add more Chili Powder, Banana Peppers, Jalapenos, Crushed Red Pepper, additional Diced Green Chiles or any other spice that fits your mood.
  • Keeps about a week in the refrigerator.

Like this recipe? Let me know what you think and explore more low FODMAP recipes.

Finding Happiness with IBS

I have a great smile. My husband always says its my best quality and its why he fell in love with me. There are some days (like today) when I struggle to find happiness and use my best feature.

The depression of IBS can be very difficult to deal with, and I definitely have my bad days. Being a very social person, I like to go out, meet people and have a few drinks. It’s tough when you’re worried about your IBS symptoms getting in the way, as well as figuring out how you’re going to dine while on a restrictive diet. Plus, explaining to people why you brought your own food or why you’re not eating is not really great dinner conversation.

I am still in pain from celebrating my husband’s birthday two days ago by going to a Cubs game. I ate before we went and I had 3 Smirnoff Vodka drinks at the game. I passed on all the delicious baseball foods surrounding me. I still woke up yesterday with severe pain. It’s moments like this where its hard to not get depressed. I want to be able to go out and have fun. I want to be that happy girl with the great smile. I just want a normal life.

But that’s not the hand I was dealt. So what do I do when I am struggling to smile and find happiness? Besides some relaxation techniques and looking through some of my favorite personal photos, I refer to my Happy List. My Happy List contains things that I am thankful for and reasons why I should be happy. While I do have struggles, its a great reminder of how blessed I am.

My Happy List:

  • I have an awesome husband. He is my rock and truly my best friend. He makes me laugh and has been there for me throughout all my health issues. He’s learned how to cook within my diet restrictions and takes care of me when I am not feeling well.
  • I have a great family. While none of my family members live close, they’re just a phone call away. My parents were slow to catch on with the gluten free diet that I was on for years, but they finally understand how to incorporate me into family gatherings. My sisters understand me like no other and I can tell them anything.
  • I have 4 adorable nieces and nephews to dote on. Again, they don’t live close, but that’s what Skype is for. When I see them, they yell “Aunt Heather” and run to give me a big hug, and my heart just melts.
  • I have 3 handsome cats that are always ready to play or snuggle. It makes me feel very loved and needed.
  • I am living my dream by residing in an urban area. I grew up in a very small town with a population of 3,000 and 1 stoplight. While my childhood was great, cities always fascinated me and I always wanted to live without a car. It took me until I was 30 to do it, and it’s even better than I thought it could be.
  • We have great neighbors. We share a deck with them and they are the best. We share food, share stories and they take care of our kitties when we go out of town. We were very lucky to move into a building next to people that we have come to love like family.
  • I’ve had the same amazing friends for over 25 years. We grew up together and we always remained close. Even though we can go months and even years without seeing each other, we always pick up right where we left off.
  • Three of my four grandparents lived into their 90s. While they have all passed now, I have some great genes and was able to spend a long time with them while they were here. Also, I got bonus grandparents since both grandparents divorced and remarried before I was born. Having 8 grandparents growing up was a special treat.
  • I have a very stable job that allows me to work from home when my health gets in the way. When I do go in the office, I have a beautiful view of downtown from my desk. I am respected in my field and I have been promoted twice in the last year.
  • Recently I was reunited with my most prized possession, a stuffed pig I’ve had since I was a year old. The pig was in my luggage that was stolen 4 years ago, and after years of searching, my husband found me an identical replacement.
  • I have had the luxury of taking many vacations. I’ve been all over the US and to some tropical locations. My husband and I are also planning our dream vacation to Italy next Spring.
  • I graduated from college with a good GPA. I think this is a great accomplishment because I am not a good test taker. I tend to have a more creative mind that usually doesn’t fit into a true/false system.
  • I excelled as an athlete in grade school and high school. While I haven’t been active in sports in a long time, I have this on the list because I set some lofty goals for myself to attain before I graduated high school and I achieved them all. This reminds me that I can do anything I set my mind to.
  • I live almost completely debt free. The only loan I haven’t paid off is the mortgage on our house. We don’t struggle to pay bills and can afford some nice things. However, winning the lottery would be nice, too!
  • The online community has been a big support to me and I find much happiness here. It’s comforting to know that I’m not alone in my struggles and have received some great advice on how to cope. Also, by being very open with my friends about my health, I have discovered that a few of them also have IBS and have the same daily battles.
  • I am surrounded by beauty. Even in the city, we have gorgeous flowers and awesome sunsets. There is amazing historic architecture that has a unique story to tell. I live 5 blocks from a huge park and less than a mile from the beach. There is beauty everywhere and I always remember what my Grandma would tell me… “Stop and smell the roses.”
  • The best day of my life was my wedding day. It’s a happiness I never felt before, not only because I was getting married, but knowing that 200 people were there to share in my joy. I had never felt so loved.

While this list may sound like bragging, its designed to look at the positives in my life rather than this looming big negative. It’s how I am continually finding happiness while dealing with the pain and frustration that comes with having IBS.

Do you have others ways of finding happiness with IBS? I would love to hear them, as well as some things that make you happy everyday.

Maintaining Happiness with IBS

Low FODMAP Marinara Sauce Recipe

Marinara sauce is one of those things that I never thought I would make from scratch. Buying it in a jar or can is so simple, and an activity I take for granted now. Nearly every pasta or pizza sauce on the market contains some form of garlic and/or onion as an ingredient, which doesn’t work on the low FODMAP diet. I came across one marinara sauce that you can buy at the store that doesn’t contain garlic or onion, but at $8 a jar, Raos Homemade Sensitive Formula Marinara Sauce is a tough pill to swallow.

I’ve tried this recipe a number of different ways to finally come up with the final product. It is a bit zesty, so if you don’t like the spices, you can modify them as you wish. Also, this sauce freezes very well, so I usually make a large portion and freeze it in individual servings.

Low FODMAP Marinara Sauce RecipeLow FODMAP Marinara Sauce Recipe


  • 28 oz Can of Tomato Puree (Check the ingredients. It’s common for this to contain garlic and/or onion. I use Muir Glen Organic Tomato Puree.)
  • 14.5 oz Can of Diced Tomatoes, Drained (Check the ingredients. It’s common for this to contain garlic and/or onion. I use Del Monte Petite Diced Tomatoes.)
  • 3 Tablespoons Garlic Infused Olive Oil
  • 1/4 Cup Fresh Chives, Diced
  • 1 teaspoon Salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon Pepper
  • 1 teaspoon Dried Oregano
  • 1 teaspoon Dried Basil
  • 1/4 teaspoon Gluten Free Asafoetida Powder (Garlic & Onion Replacement)
  • 1/2 teaspoon Dried Parsley
  • 1/4 teaspoon Dried Rosemary
  • 1/2 lb Ground Turkey or Ground Beef (optional)
  • 1/4 Cup Fresh Parmesan, Grated (optional)


  1. Heat Olive Oil in a heavy sauce pan on medium heat.
  2. Add Ground Turkey (if desired) and grill until meat is cooked thoroughly.
  3. Add Tomato Puree and Diced Tomatoes, and stir until well blended.
  4. Stir in Chives, Salt, Pepper, Oregano, Basil, Asafoetida Powder, Parsley and Rosemary and mix well.
  5. Bring mixture to a boil, stirring frequently.
  6. Reduce heat, cover and simmer for at least 90 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  7. Add Parmesan (if desired). Heat an additional 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  8. Serve and enjoy or freeze in individual servings.


  • This sauce is a bit zesty, so if you like things a bit more mild, eliminate the asafoetida powder and rosemary, as well as limit the other spices.
  • I am not sure of the exact amount that this will serve, but I would estimate 4-8 servings.

Like this recipe? Let me know what you think and explore more low FODMAP recipes.

Low FODMAP Sample Meals

Overwhelmed by the restriction of the diet? I’ve been there. I searched everywhere for examples of meals that I could eat on the low FODMAP diet. Even simple meals, like a salad were scary due to the limitations of store-bought salad dressings.

There’s really a variety of meals you can have with the diet… even pizza! Of course most of your meals will require a little extra prep and you can probably hide the take-out menus for now. I actually made this list for myself and hung it on the refrigerator to see what all my option were for each meal. It’s a good confidence booster to see what you can eat rather than what you can’t.

Low FODMAP Sample Meals

Low FODMAP Breakfast Suggestions:

Low FODMAP Lunch Suggestions:

Low FODMAP Dinner Suggestions:

Low FODMAP Snack Suggestions:

Personally, I eat a lot of salads, which allows me to tailor it to what I want that day. I also tend to snack a lot, which is why it was essential for me to know my go-to packaged foods when in a bind. I also tend to stick to smaller meals, since it’s not only what you eat, but how much. You can also get some insight to what my shopping list looks like with my favorite low FODMAP items.

Overwhelmed? You’re not alone. Here are some tips on getting started with the low FODMAP diet.

Do you have a meal or snack that you love? Let me know and I will add it to the list!

Low FODMAP Pancakes Recipe

Nothings better than waking up to pancakes… already made. Hopefully many Mothers across the US woke up to a breakfast of something similar today on Mother’s Day. When you’re on a restricted diet, like the low FODMAP diet, it’s an even bigger treat to eat something that you didn’t have to cook yourself and know its completely safe for your body.

One of the best low FODMAP and gluten free products on the market is Gluten Free Bisquick. It’s a pantry staple that allows you to have everything from pizza to biscuits. And deliciously fluffy pancakes like the ones I had this morning.

Low FODMAP Pancakes

Low FODMAP Pancakes Recipe:



  1. Stir ingredients until blended
  2. Pour about 1/4 cup onto hot greased griddle.
  3. Cook until edges are dry, and turn.
  4. Serve & Enjoy!

Makes about 10 pancakes.


  • Ensure to use 100% pure maple syrup since most regular syrups contain high FODMAP ingredients.
  • You can add peanut butter, fruit or lactose-free chocolate chips to give your low FODMAP pancakes an extra flavor.

Like this recipe? Let me know what you think and explore more low FODMAP recipes.

Low FODMAP Scrambled Eggs Recipe

Ahh… childhood comfort foods. Many of the foods that I grew up loving, Kraft Mac & Cheese, Campbell’s Chicken Noodle Soup and Tuna Noodle Casserole, are no longer options without severely modifying the recipe.

However, scrambled eggs is one of my comfort foods from childhood. My grandma made them for me whenever I stayed overnight at her house, and she taught me the how to make them so fluffy and delicious. Now that she has passed, I get emotional every time I make them. And luckily, I still can and stay within the guidelines of the low FODMAP diet.

While I have modified the recipe, it still reminds me of Grandma. I don’t use the butter or cream, and I try to use egg whites as much as possible to stay on the healthier side of things. Before the low FODMAP diet, I used to add grilled onions and garlic seasoning. While I can’t do that any more, I have substituted chives and garlic infused olive oil.

Low FODMAP Scrambled Eggs Recipe

Low FODMAP Scrambled Eggs Recipe:


  • 2 Eggs or 1 Whole Egg & 2 Egg Whites
  • 1/2 Tablespoon Garlic Infused Olive Oil
  • 1/4 Cup Black Olives, Diced
  • 1/4 Cup Red Bell Pepper, Diced
  • 1/4 Cup Shredded Cheese
  • 1/4 Cup Rice Milk (or any other Lactose Free Milk)
  • 1/2 teaspoon Salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon Pepper
  • 1 Tablespoon Dried Chives or 2 Tablespoons Fresh Chives
  • 1/4 teaspoon Dried Oregano
  • 1/4 teaspoon Dried Parsley


  1. On stovetop, grill diced Red Bell Pepper in Olive Oil in a pan.
  2. In a separate bowl, whisk together Eggs, Black Olives, Milk, Salt, Pepper, Chives, Oregano, Parsley and half of the Shredded Cheese.
  3. When Red Bell Pepper is thoroughly grilled, add egg mixture to pan with the heat on medium
  4. Allow mixture to sit a moment, and then use spatula to continually stir eggs and scape the bottom of the pan.
  5. When all eggs are thoroughly cooked, sprinkle the remaining Shredded Cheese on top.
  6. After cheese has melted, use spatula to move to plate.
  7. Serve & Enjoy!

Perfect portion for 1 serving.


  • For a spicier mix, add Diced Jalapenos, Diced Banana Peppers, Diced Green Chilis or Crushed Red Pepper.
  • Garlic Infused Olive Oil is a great addition because it adds the garlic flavor without adding the Fructans.

Like this recipe? Let me know what you think and explore more low FODMAP recipes.

Grandma's Scrambled Eggs

My Grandma and I years ago in the kitchen.