Low FODMAP Brand Name Packaged Foods

I will be the first to admit it… I can be very lazy. So when it comes to having a meal or snack, I want the easiest method possible. Especially when I am dining alone at home. I often turn to packaged foods for dinner or a snack. However, finding these brand name foods can be difficult when you’re adhering to a low FODMAP diet.

Surprisingly, there are a lot of products that will fit into the diet. However, most of these items are merely ingredients. I excluded the safe ingredients and fresh foods because I covered them in the low FODMAP foods to enjoy list. Plus I outlined my favorite low FODMAP items that is a reflection of my weekly grocery list. I wanted to outline the products that are good right out of the package without cooking, assembling or adding anything.

Low FODMAP Brand Name Foods

* Please note that I compiled this list in May of 2013 and ingredients in brand name foods change often. So please, prior to buying, glance at the ingredients to ensure there’s nothing harmful of that would impact you negatively.

I’ve listed all the items that I know of out there, and I’ve marked some of my favorites with some additional details for you in red.

Low FODMAP Brand Name Foods




Baked Goods:


Did I miss something? Is something on the list that has a FODMAP ingredient? I have dome my research here, but I am definitely not perfect, so any feedback would be appreciated so I can provide the best information possible.

What are your favorite Low FODMAP Brand Name Foods?
