The Original Low FODMAP Protein Bar

Wouldn’t it be great to go to the grocery store and see food labeled as low FODMAP? Can you image the time (and frustration) it would save you? I am flashing back to day 2 of my low FODMAP elimination diet when I was in the grocery store. I had just read the ingredient label of (what felt like) the 1,000th product and realized how many foods I couldn’t eat. Frustrated and tired from spending 3 hours in the grocery store, I crumpled to the ground and started crying right in the aisle. I was inconsolable… my poor husband!

I think to how that grocery store meltdown could have been avoided if there were foods labeled as “low FODMAP.” Gluten free labeled products have (thankfully) exploded onto the shelves in recent years and it would be great to see that trend with low FODMAP products. It would make getting started on the FODMAP diet so much easier for those with digestive issues.

Enter the new Be Nice Low FODMAP Protein Bar….

Be Nice Low FODMAP Protein Bar

It’s the first product to be labeled as “low FODMAP,” not to mention it’s all natural, gluten free, soy free, corn free and dairy free. Sounds nice and safe, right? But, does it taste like cardboard? No!

I was lucky enough to get a sample of this new bar, and I’ll be honest, I had pretty low expectations. (I’ve tried enough gluten free products!) Shockingly, I was pretty impressed. First of all, it’s a peanut butter based bar with dairy free chocolate. Yes, chocolate! It’s tasty and filling. I had a small square sample, which was the ideal snack. The full sized bars will be over 200 calories, which could easily be two separate snacks in my world.

What I am most excited about is the beginning of low FODMAP labeling. As part of the this product’s Kickstarter campaign, they want to develop additional products with the low FODMAP label, which would strongly reduce grocery store meltdowns! As a long-time advocate of the low FODMAP diet, this would be a huge accomplishment to help those suffering from digestive issues, like myself.

I’m not affiliated with this promotion in any way, shape or form. They sent me a product to try for free and if I liked it, I would write about it. So, here I am. I am excited to promote this product as a trailblazer in low FODMAP labeling. I know it will lead to more happy people that can manage their IBS symptoms more easily. I would have killed for this product 2 years ago! If you want more information, here’s the Nice Protein Bar Website and if you want to back this project, here’s the Nice Protein Bar Kickstarter Campaign.

A FODMAP Friendly World

8 thoughts on “The Original Low FODMAP Protein Bar

  1. HI Heather. I was curious to see you bar. I signed up for your emails when I started having constant lose bowels in the morning…after 7 months and a round of doctors, I was sent to a naturopathic RD. She put me on the Blood Type O diet, which greatly altered my problem in a week and pretty much eliminated it in two weeks. I’m not sure what foods I may be able to add back into my diet (I think we’ll be testing that) but no peanut butter or coconut oil for me! bummer! But I am happy for the FODMAP crowed. I tried it and it didn’t help me, unfortunately. I’ve adapted pretty well to the Blood Type O diet (mine’s even a little more strict than Adamo’s verison– no eggs, no cinammon, no vinegars, no cheese except Feta and Farmers and other goat cheeses – but you’re right—hard to find something to grab for a snack when you’re out and about- BUT–fruits and nuts- especially dried fruits –are easy to keep in the car for a shopping expedition and fortunately, I am allowed to have those–especially prunes and walnuts, pumpkin seeds and figs. Good luck with the bar- I hope you see more labels!

  2. This is fantastic news… nothing is worse than going into a grocery store armed with the long list of foods you can’t eat. Maybe except buying something that you think will be ok and then reading the ingredient list after you have already swallowed (why do they put dairy in roasted peanuts? weird). Having products with a clear FODMAP label would be fantastic and make this journey so much easier! Thanks for sharing…..

  3. So excited about this! After a ten year undiagnosed battle with IBS, I finally have the doctor support behind it. So I went into the store this week armed with my low FODMAP list (I can totally relate to the grocery store breakdown!) what a headache! I am so thankful that there is a community for this. Needless to say, I hopped on their site and am in love. So very helpful, thank you for posting.

  4. I think I was tipping on the edge of a grocery store meltdown tonight!! Every time I found what I thought was suitable, alas no! In the end I bought some GF breadcrumbs and chicken, got home and found it had gram flour in. I may have thrown myself a pity party! I was hungry and weary and ending up tucking into a soya dark chocolate pudding tub with wild abandon!!

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